Adding swagger to ASP.NET Web.Api

Evgeny Zborovsky · February 3, 2017

Sounds easy right? But it turn to be very confusing. When I first tried to integrate Swashbuckle I met few problems:

  1. Auto generated documentation totally ignored existing and working API endpoints (methods in ApiControllers). So it was totally empty.
  2. After solving the first issue I realised that “/Token” endpoint is still not listed.
  3. Had to find a way to pass a bearer token with each request swagger generated for me.

So let’s start solving those problems one by one.

First we have to install Swashbuckle nuget package: Install-Package Swashbuckle

That should generate SwaggerConfig.cs under App_Start folder:

To solve problem #1 we need to use the right HttpConfiguration:

  1. Remove [assembly: PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(SwaggerConfig), “Register”)] from SwaggerConfig.cs__. We will register it manually. 
  2. Change the signature of Register method to public static void Register(HttpConfiguration httpConfig)__. This will allow us to pass the right HttpConfiguration.
  3. Change GlobalConfiguration.Configuration to httpConfig.EnableSwagger.  This will allow us to use the right HttpConfiguration upon the registration_._

Now we have to manually register our swagger, for that we just have to add one additional line to Startup.cs__;

At this point all our API endpoints should be visible if you navigate to http://yourapi:port/swagger

To solve problem number #2 we have to manually define documentation for our /Token endpoint by creating a AuthTokenDocumentFilter.cs (source):

public class AuthTokenDocumentFilter : IDocumentFilter  
        public void Apply(SwaggerDocument swaggerDoc, SchemaRegistry schemaRegistry, IApiExplorer apiExplorer)  
            swaggerDoc.paths.Add("/token", new PathItem  
                post = new Operation  
                    tags = new List { "Auth" },  
                    consumes = new List  
                    parameters = new List {  
                    new Parameter  
                        type = "string",  
                        name = "grant\_type",  
                        required = true,  
                        @in = "formData",  
                        @default = "password"  
                    new Parameter  
                        type = "string",  
                        name = "username",  
                        required = false,  
                        @in = "formData"  
                    new Parameter  
                        type = "string",  
                        name = "password",  
                        required = false,  
                        @in = "formData"  

The next step will be to add AuthTokenDocumentFilter to our swagger configuration:

At this point “Auth” endpoint will become visible at http://yourapi:port/swagger

To solve problem number #3 we have to make few small changes in SwaggerConfig.cs.
Add the next line inside EnableSwagger section:

 .Description("Bearer token")  

Inside EnableSwaggerUi section add the next line:

c.EnableApiKeySupport("Authorization", "header");  

Now in order to get a bearer token you can use swagger and if you want to use the retrieved token in all calls simply add it near the “Explore” button:

Good luck!

P.S.: You can get the file from GitHub Gist

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