Entity Framework Database First Generalising Timestamps

Using Entity Framework is extremely easy and straight forward unless you have a large amount of entities and business rules to apply. You are lucky if you have a code first approach, however some times database first approach is in place and there are some limitations. For example, as the DbContext is autogenerated using T4, it is hard to introduce general behaviours, like updating CreatedAt, UpdatedAt and DeletedAt properties globally upon saving.

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Though about optimisation of work with XAML in Xamarin.Forms

What is great about Xamarin.Forms? XAML of course! Especially if you are familiar with it from WPF / Silverlight times. However, the experience with XAML in Xamarin.Forms is totally different. Unfortunately, you will not have such a great intellisense, by default you will have to discover typos in XAML at runtime, no visual editor (yet) and without preview. I have been using VS 2017 on Windows and VS For Mac on macOS, in both cases problems listed above exists.

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